.:The 1st post of the PIGGY year:.
Well. Apparently 财神爷 did not visit me yesterday for the toto prize. =( back to reality now.
CNY is coming to end end. This year was pretty good except for the fact that grandma wasnt around anymore. Didnt manage to see all of my relatives REPORTING neatly at the HQ. muaha
And. HQ is no longer in JB but SG. 大姑的家. hehe
Hong Bao collection was great. A significant increment as compared to past few years.
I no longer receive $4 hong bao this year (I think they are paisey to give a 21 yr old BIG KID a $4 hong bao. haha)
Lesser of RM dollar
More packets (from who i dunno, its the same few people as usual. but juz more this yr hmmmm??)
Anyway, I'm in the midst of preparing for D&D. m trying to keep a budget cause the Taiwan trip is more or less confirm. I'm going to burn my pocket in MAY.
Something is damm overdued. I have tried all ways and means to make it arrive. Looks like the cycle went haywired again. awwwww