.:I dunno what to say lor.:.
Communication thru blogs can be so hilarious. But. before i start on anything i have to say declare that. IM NOT JOINING in the fun. the war. whatever you guys named it. and this entry is out of my own willingness. Simply becoz i BTH already.
It looks funny to me that, people who dun contact nor communicate anymore could actually do so thru blogging. I have no grudge on this issue nor the persons involved, neither do i know the full story of all these rubbish. This entry is juz how i felt, and perherps is the way many others felt too. I dunno..
Some people are juz childish. 翻旧账, why say so much and then to think back, realised that you are foolish? I'm not refering to You nor you. pls do not ????
Anyway i have no right to comment at all. because ITS NON OF MY BUSINESS.
I truly wished all these will be put to a stop. FULL STOP i mean. Stop thinking or looking back, things changes, people changes too, nothing last forever. NOTHING AT ALL.
To those people who have no idea what's going on, Don' t bother to find out
And for those who knows, just shut up and put this to an end. Don't bother to clear up, in the 1st place we are not the protagonist. 越帮越忙 越描越黑