.:The Curse of the Golden Flower:.
This show received much curses and swearing from me. muaha. I can say I also received much laughter from this show too.
Thanks to the actor who acts as the Crown Prince aka Yuan Xiang, Thanks for reminding me of Wang Ren Fu.

And that particular scene whereby the King suddenly turn powerful and killed his youngest son makes me feels that that particular scene is suitable for Shampoo ad. muahahah.
But afterall, given the fact that this is a big production. It is rated 7/10. =)
*Jay Chou, Do you need a shaver for your birthday present next mth?
.:Horoscope say I should wear Brown colour this week.:.
HAHA. I wore a brown blouse plus a pair of brown earing to go with a white skirt to work today.
The staff X'mas celebration was on during lunch time. Food was pretty good. Door gift was an umbrella(idea. nowadays keep raining)
And I won a Mickey Mouse towel set in the "Wheel of Fortune!" hahaa

Ta-dahhhhhhhhh. I supposed Ringoping is filled with envy now. hahaha..
Juz as i thought lady luck was with me today. I kena:
*a Migrain which makes me wanna bang my head against the wall. (lucky it was close to knock off time. If not I think I'll vomit right there and dirty the carpet.)
*I was walking half way towards the MRT station on the way back when it suddenly rains, and I got drenched. =(
Tell me pls. If I should believe in Horoscope again??
.:Updates. Review. whatever.:.
Im back from JB Shopping Trip! haha
The trip was a pleasant one. Except for a lil Jam here n here. hmmmm.. which results in insufficient time for shoping! Urghh..
Manage to get a Fila Bag, and a pair of 3/4 pants. haha. I could have gotten some tops if not for the insufficient time. hmmm no tu-chan this time round but some donuts n egg tarts. =)
Oh yeah. Papa got a Zen V-plus from company for Long service award. wahaha.. n it became my possession! WEEEEEEEEEEE.. m trying to read the manual guide n get the necessary software installed. lalalalalalalaaaa
I was watching the repeat telecast of Star Award when I suddenly realised, Why Chen WeiLian nv appear on headlines when he has gotten 2 awards?
Apparently that goes to show that he is really 实至名归. He managed to act well in the shows he was given a cast to. (Nobody complain means he act well rite?) All the characters he acted was a blind person but a nice man. WA, he can manage to ACT A BLIND MAN SO WELL! No wonder got so many supporters and gotten 2 awards.
Of coz i dun mean to 批评 him, who am i to do so? 我只是在讽刺中带有点欣赏的角度 to look at the award ceremony. 大家看了就算,奖不颁都颁了,还能怎样?