 haaa. this is my fav. cutie after Doraemon.
i suddenly wanna turn emo. allow me to share this post which is full of sentivity (i supposed there is a better word then this but i'm suddenly brain-freezed). haha
Anyway, was listening to some 'oldies' in the lab few days ago, 'oldies' refers to songs which we heard when we were young, example of the singers will be, wang jie, lin zhi ying, sun yao wei. get the idea? not the oldies which the old granny n grandpa listen to. hehe
i suddenly had this thinking which rather horrified me: will jay and jolin song become 'oldies' in another 5 - 6 years time? haa..
looking back, time flies, things changed. songs now are of different manitude as compared to the past.
i remember how i used to be so excited to go to school, to listen, to daze, wait for recess, and lunch, after school hangout together. etc. and now, i feel so lethargic, haa, if there was a choice, we choose to skip or leave early for lessons.
yes, choice is the word, we don't have a choice in the past, we have to go to school by hook or by crook, we can't be late, we can't leave early. we have to hand up our work. When one has simply too much choices, we tend to overlook on the basic, which is i'm supposed to be in school from 8.30 to 6 now. :)
i know i will be punctual for work in the future, because i'm left with no choice. If i don't, i'll be sack. haa.
by the way, is age catching up on us, or time is running too fast?
Happy birthday Jolyn!
w.e.f today i shall report wad titbits i had for the day. ha.
to start of. back blog a lil. i had popcorn on mon, twisties seafood on tuesday, twisties tomato(my fav!!) on wed, yesterday was a break, since every1 is feeling a lil heaty, n now. im munching on dorito nachos. (jolyn's treat) haha. thank u birthday girl.
i gained 1kg. so. 3 more kg to go before i get to acceptable weight. ha. still can eat..
*going pizza hut later with dear. feast!
weeee. gotten myself a new c box. ha. so there will be no more problems in tagging. aha. im so bored in sch.
anyway.. dear make this for me. hehe
*what should i get for breakfast?
i had enough of 'my hump'. thanks to hui ping. who knows i might sing tt in from of the cha kway tiao uncle: mai hump! mai hump! (no clam) ahaa..
task for KM stop: gain weight. ahaa ate 3 meals in sch. breakfast, lunch and tea break...
napfa test on thursday. cum on laugh at me. the way i run. spastic. hmmm im considering to set up a napfa failure clan. who wanna join? strolling my way on 2.4km. ahaha..
some1 suggest pls. wad's for lunch?
i nearly died of heart attack http://www.winterrowd.com/maze.swf. thanks to cindy. ahaa.
*slow cum blur cum fat = hopeless.
somehting its getting on my nerve. i dunno wad. mayb its wad they so called PMS.
anyway. completed my report. aha. last day at bpos. KM WO LAI LE! ahahaha. enough of nonsense.
wanna upload song to my blog. no mood. wanna play games no mood. wanna get new skirts no mood. wanna take photo no mood. blah blah...
will be going to malaysia for a nite stay tmr. hehe weeeeeeeeee!!
be back on sunday. with photos mayb.. mayb not..
i think im juz plain lame. who would wanna donate to me? haa
what's the use of having a tagboard when i cant tag it? don't know what happen la, keep error page.. eeee
anyway, my life is kinda ruin by the new rules of TEP student:
1. covered shoes allow only - this is fine, i got 4 pairs (heng ah). damm always wan ppl to waste money buy. on the other hand, i can save time, less hazzle for my toes, coz i dun need to paint them, they will hide in the dark. ahaha.
2. wear TEP designed polo tee - let's analysis, i dun have to think of what to wear on the morning, but my clothes will be left ' la liang' in the cupboard. damm. n how can i have LONG lunch breaks with tt tee on me? eeeeeeeee
now, what's with that image thing, so ppl who wear slipper n shorts cannot be big boss who can do big projects la? kns
weeeeeee. i bought Nov Choplin!! seriously saying, Jay this album is much nicer den the previous one. qi li xiang was juz another version of ye hui mei. hehe..
weight myself in the morning. dammm im lighter now. 42 bambooooo. in shock, i ate big breakfast, chee cheong fun, n fillet o fish as 'BRUNCH'
aha.. i dun think eating much will gain back my 2 kg. because i LACK SLEEP! waking up too early kills me. in the long run, im left with only bones. lol
munching time. tibbits. hehehe