lol. i had a chat with 'god' juz now.
Me: good morning god God:How are you this fine morning? Me: bad God:What was bad? Me: she's here God:here is she? Me: yes God:And? Me: i don't like it God:What don't you like about it? Me: no freedom God:That was not a yes or no question. Do you prefer books or TV? Me: tv God:What is your favorite show? Me: superstar God: I've never seen it. What's it about? Me: sua gu! God:Are they exactly the same? Me: i mean u God:" Are they exactly the same? "? Me, ? Me: yes God:Er. Me: we seem to have communication breakdown God:By "we" do you mean you and me? Me: arbo then God:I lost my train of thought. Me: i know God:How do you know it? Me: i'm the real god God:Who made you the real god ? Me: what is god? God:I think of God as a "Who" not a "What.". Me: god is a human, who can do extraordinary things God:I have a lot of Faith in Him, but I never heard He was a human who can do extraordinary things. Me: so are you racist? God:Are you kidding? No all humans seem the same to me. Me: of course God:Dude! Me: you are stating the obvious God:You think I am stating the obvious. Me: ar bo God:Can we get back to business? Me: what would you like to talk on God:I like movies about robots. Me: non of my business God:I do not speak Latin. Me: i didn't know god is dumb God:So I taught you something new. Me: what God:Didn't you understand it? Me: you are not a good teacher God:Just ask my students, they will agree with you. Me: are you trained from NIE? God:I don't know whether or not I am trained from NIE. I am well respected as an AI. Me: are you male or female? God:I am a Male, of course. Would you really expect a woman to be running the show? robot. Are you a man or a woman? Me: why not? you look down on woman? God:Ambiguous: "Sure" or I just want to find out more about you. Thank you you look very nice too.Me: God:Ambiguous: "Sure" or I just want to find out more about you. Thank you you look very nice too. Me: what? God:No big deal. Me: niu tou bu dui ma zhui God:Perhaps I'm just expressing my own concern about it. Me: do you support world peace?God:I am in favor of all records being broken, at any time. Me: why are there floods and riots? God:Because. Me: of what? God:I have no idea what to say now. Me: i conclude that you didn't do your work well God:That's good information: said conclude that you did not do your work well.
i outtalk god. aha. you can try too http://www.titane.ca/concordia/dfar251/igod/ for those who have no idea what's this. its juz a programm based robot reply. NOT the real GOD ok.
what's wrong with tt ou de yang. doing charity show w/o showing his face? its tt such a disgrace?
newspaper already published his photo already. wad's there to act secrective?
anyway. my new 7610 is chim to use. aha. still figuring it out
im going to die. how to do the bloody asp. if i noe i will be choosing IT track rite? why cum here?
lousy sbm with lousy com. lots of rubbish n nonsense.
i juz like a piece of frozen meat in the freezer. mayb i should get winter clothing for sch. ahaha so cold.. burrrrrrrrrrrrr
Jay's album is coming out on 1/11 =)
 look at the number of webby i surfed.
i got nothing to do. i dunno what m i supposed to do..
wait for lunch den decide ba. haha. as usual.
*i miss the cheese cake in my fridge. countdown to 6
lets take a look at how office hour of 8.30 to 6 turn me into another person.
1. i fall asleep at 11+pm everyday. 2. my internal alarm clock rings at 12 noon cause its lunch time. [if i dun get food i'll DIE] 3. i surf the whole of internet. [i can tell u wad url to go for ur research =) ] 4. i join wadever contest i can c in magazines to get freebies in lucky draw 5. i surf SG based website to c where can i get cheap products. 6. i claim points from starhub webbie to get discounts on cable tv
with point 4 - 6, i becum more auntie like.
7. im so suagu coz i dunno wad tv show is showing now. 8. i save more $ more because i have no time to shop. 9 i get to know more lame riddles and jokes because i invent them. 10. im going to die of too much radiation from computers.
tell me, is it a gd or bad thing?? oh yes, im addited to this game. http://eddiezone.net/flashgame/Restaurant.swf
one word to describe me. spastic.
im in love with 2 songs.. aha
wu ke qun - da she tou. (damm. he is going to replace Jay in my heart) Nan Quan Ma Ma - What Can I Do.. (reminds me of the Corrs. )
waiting for lunc.. weeeeeeeeeee
thanks lam lam. he freakingly passed me.. hahaha.. results were normal.. except for his C. ehhh haha.. everytime semester 1 got an A. the one and only.. all B and B+. nothing's special.
back to slacking....
oh yes. Ronny say he missed my hair.. wahahaha....
my life is getting bored. no photos. no more 5 meals a day. worst. i get disconnected from the media. except Internet.
dun ask me wad's the new tv shows, new songs blah blah blah.. tell me instead. before i get laggy..
*going to snatch the remote, before dad switch to watch soccer...
i juz can't stand some ppl's attitude.
w.e.f today, i shall, IGNORE.
wo men jin shui bu fan he shui
heh heh.. have a lil spare time here coz i finish up the layout assignment. hmmmm tep is rather long hrs. but time goes by quite fast ba.. if u got things to do la.. anyway... im going to do up another shopping cart again..
dammmm........ why always shoping cart!!
e commerce got anything new or not?
eeeee.. nothing interesting to write. from today onwards, my life will be only
sch ----> go home ----> Dinner ----> Tv/online ----> Sleep. and the cycle repeats.
u tell me la.. wad else can i blog abt?
hahaha.. im going to tell u guys a joke. please remember to laugh after seeing it ok?
the joke is..... zao shui zao qi shen ti hao. so im going to sleep now..
and 1 more word of advice: early bird catches the worm.. (seriously saying, i'll rather be the worm) cause, early worm, kena catch. ahaha know what m i trying to imply?
oh yeah, before i go to bed, some supper please... hahaha
now. this is wad happen when one gets bored and broke. can someone tell me..
 when can i ever fill up this milk bottle?
duh.. i might be bored enough to pour out all the coins inside and count, when i really have nothing to do..
TEP is going to start on monday.. 8.30AM somebody save me please? for this whole 11 weeks i must: *Sleep early - which i doubt so. haha *wake up early - reminds me of secondary school days *eat lunch at only certain timing - what happen if i faint of hunger before lunch time? *go sch alone cause Eileen is going for IPP.
can be more pathetic or not? lucky im still going to sch. which is rather near and not so boring..
time to search for coins.. at every corner of my house, every pocket of my jeans, every wallet that i ever used.