hahaha.. done with changing the layout.. but.. the text color for my previous post seems kinda... UGLY. anyway.. i can't possible change all the font sizes and colors rite?
hungry.. time for dinner
now.. who disagree that a massive damage will hit the wallet when gers gathered together for shopping spree? dammm...
spending far too much this month, which means my wallet manage to slim down.. haha.. i supposed its underweight now..
went expo today, the gers wanna c their attachment place.. IBM.. gosh.. i hope i dun kena there next time k.. its damm far if nobody shares the mrt rides with ya.. hmmmm
we spent a freaking 3++ hours at far east plaza, shopping. walking ard.. 3++ hrs.. how many songs can i sing in kbox? my buddha.. eeeeee
bought a jacket, kinda formal, for future use.. haha.
i better stay home till mon when tep starts.. or else my wallet will be malnutrition, and requires some tonic..
task for the weekends: eat non-stop. change this ugly blogskin which im sick of.. and.. hmmmm.. sing.
in short: laze around
i think im getting a lil lazy.. in blogging.. haha
in the midst of sleeping and couch potato-ing. i went......
 Steamboat with my parents today! at Royal hotel.. haha $13+ per person.. cheap cheap..
let me show u a few 'tatics' of eating buffet steamboat..
 have some ready made finger food before ur steamboat food is cooked.. its chicken wings.. n i mean the wing part.. get it? hahaha.. heaven. i ate all. that's y u c wad it's left with, fish fillet n drums. haha
 grab the prawns.. in order to have value-for-$ meal. hahaha.. i had 3 plates.. weeeee
 and that's why.. im smiling... haha.. in a very un-natural way.. haha
now... i get 4 lens cases, 2 fila bag, 2 fila poches, 4 big botle n 4 small bottle of solution, from buying contact lens. haha.. coz shirneex working. lalalallala
i love freebies
i realise that there's nothing much for me to munch at home. shall stock up goodies tmr.. haha.. n roti prata, its a die die muz have...
i nearly died when i checked my sch email juz now.. so i get to do tep first.. *clap clap*
coz i can still continue slacking n eating non stop in sch... cheers..
in another words. it means i will go straight-out-of-sch, coz attachment is my final stop.. can we chant the holy sutra? ahahaha
down with last paper.. on wednesday.. conclusion:
today: sleep Fri: eat Sat: Slack Sun: start revising, but i will end up sleeping also..
tt's all for my agenda.. haha.
weeeeeeeeee.. im back to clear the cob webs on my blog.. aha... anyway.. the last project presentation ends today.. yeahh!! *clap clap* which means im left with 2 exams paper n its the end of studying. haha, erm. at least i dun have to study tt much during project or attachements? lalalala
lots of photo will be uploaded when i get them.. heh.. beware
*sorting my notes for revision..