there goes my last day of hol. in less than 12 hrs. i will be in sch. 8 am. lecture.. duhh.. i definately i will hate mondays n wednesday..for the early wake up.. but nonetheless, i think im still very xin fu.. coz ppl under attachment everyday early!!! ahahaaaaaaaaaaa laugh at them. before i get laugh.. duhh.
i will still try n love tmr. for since its the 1st day of sch. so much bitching. n 4 hrs break coz theres no tut for most lesson. but still.. 8am
im up to my sleeve again. can i.. not go? obviously cant. but... aiya.. i noe i will be there. but my heart is at home. my mind is sleeping.. lol..
m preparing for my beauty sleep. before i complain of giddyness in the morning. duhhh
*remind bring plastic bag. in case i throw up my breakfast during lecture. my stomach aint use to eating so early in da morning. but i hav to. before it hurts
*reminder bring sweets. coz i can die or faint w/o it.
*reminder my medicine in case i got gastric attacks
mum thinks that im paranoid. but its always so 'qiao' that i'm sick during sch.. ahhhhhhhzzzzz
i think im a troublesome girl.. m i?
i finally had... roti prata. hahaha... 2 pc prata wif egg. plus a curry chicken.. heaven.. haa. mum say since i luv prata so much y dun i marry an ah neh n eat prata every day.. ahaha.. i can visualise Pearlee screaming: ah neh sux!
anyway.. went bugis, prayed and bought a bag.. haa.. after that went make a pair of new specs. damm budget. $80 since im going to wear that at home mostly..
3 more days to sch start! weeeeeeeee
its the 15th of the lunar calandar n its Vesak Day!! weeee.. woke up at 9. had my breakfast. vegeterian bee hoon.. heh.. n i doze off on the sofa again.. lol. grandma say im a weirdo. i dun sleep at nite when i was a baby. n i sleep the whole day now.. haa
went to offer prayer at bugis.. loads of ppl.. n youngsters too~ wad a surprise that nowadays so many youngster (like me!) worship the buddha. sucha devotee.. heh.. buddha bless.
went back.. bought green apple milk tea.. n was hungry. but too lazy to walk far to buy food.. went home n dig for food like a lil hamster. waha
heard that there's gonna be PE lesson when sch starts. WHY!! i haven't been running constantly since 3 yrs ago.. ahhhhzzzzzzzzzz. plssss dun let this be true. i'm starting to get feel my legs shivering. my head turn giddy. i'm going faint soon.......
if its gonna be true.. i think i have to get my brains cracking on how to skip the lesson.. *winks*
back for a post.. ignore my right eye. its getting better.. i cant tag.. urg.. yaa. i aint feeling gd.. a huge dose of PMS.. eek..
first i woke up on wed wif a swollen right eye which is itchy to hell... n mum say it wun die so dun need to c doctor. =X
next. i spent a hell of 4 hours sitting in a saloon to get my hair done.. n it certainly cost me a bomb of $175.. duh.. m i stupid? nah.. im not rich.. i think i got nothing better to do.. now im broke. n i still haven get myself a new bag... buuuuuuuuuuu. shirneee say kai xin jiu hao. ok la quite kai xin la.. n i think im getting a lil ba dao. (for a moment i couldn't remember wad's the english word for it) nv say my hair sucks. i will kill u. hahaha
now. checked my time table for the new sem. again monday n wed 8am.. wtf.. n i have only 1 hr break on monday? i can picture myself getting sick n skip sch on mondaysss... happy thing was i get to hav thamkk as my lecturer!! whaa.. n that thursday starts at 12.. nothing else
lastly. throughout the ard. 6 weeks of break. i FAILED to eat roti prata.. m i a loser?
so can i be the least happy abt my holiday? only the fact that i can get to wake up at 12.
*reminder for myself: better learn to wake up early before i start to say i feel sick...
My right eye is still itchy and swollen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
had a lil stomach disconfort when i wake up. cancelled my meet up wif eileen.. duhh.. bad day.. i think this had got sumthing to do wif pms huh.. hope its not old disease act up..
chat wif eileen on msn.. she ask me why's my stomach so weak.. haaa. long story.. in fact i dunno why also..
gastric pain has been pestering me since primary 3. at such a young age of 9 i thought nothing if it. and think its common for people to have gastritis juz like headaches... but i remembered my aunt said: so young gastric pain. later old liao how? didnt really get wad she means den.. but now i seriously do. and lemon tea has always been a killer in my daily menu.. it nv exist in my world. coz the moment i take it. it hurts.
it has nv been so serious for the past 5-8 yrs.. till last yr.. i cant eat n it dun hurts n i kept throwing up. i swear its living hell.. i dare not to eat fearing that i might throw up. n i behave as if im on a diet and throw up after meals..
check ups all cleared. im alright. but it dun seems to be. i kept having a feeling that sumthings wrong wif me.. went thru check ups after check ups. changed coupled of medicines.. it slowly gets better.. but the 'shadow' didnt leave.. certain food totally turns me off.. duhh
n now after a yr.. im kinda.. forgot abt this incident. it nv acts up again. n i hope it will NV appear again in my life.. wif a lil mild stomach disconfort could drive me crazy u noe.. so afraid that i have to take medication which taste sucks... i noe u guys will say which medicine dun sucks? i would rather take panadols, antibiotics.. bites them rather den swallow, compared to gastritis medicine.. eeeeeeekkkkkkkk. plus. i have to watch my food intake.. ahhhhh.. living hell.
seriously speaking, im not prone to flu, fever, all these nonsense, but im prone to gastritis and stomach discomfort. why huh? i would rather get flu or fever 3 times a month den to have another attack.. UNDERSTAND!
n i still dun understand why m i prone to such disease. take it that im born with a weak stomach, juz like sum ppl with weak heart or legs or wadever.. in short.. IM HANDDICAPPED.. so please let me have a seat on bus or mrt plsssssssss haa
I still cant tag the bloody shoutbox! something's wrong with my browser, anyway.. read Cindy's bloggie msg for Cindy: Do wad u feel like doing, for that u will enjoy most. dun choose a path whereby every1 wans u to n not wad u wan to. which might led to regrets ok? hiakss
i'm in mood for compo. since im freaking free.. haa.. write a long entry or rather story ba.. hmmm inspiration from Cindy's entry. write something similar.. urh.. call me copy cat.. haha
Business Informatics: As the term has suggested meaning Business + IT. Why the hell did i pick this course from out of so many? Good question!
I was actually in some confusion regarding where shld i go after O level.. hmmm heard abt this course from Cindy.. haa.. sounds pretty okiez.. n the reason wad that i think a pure business course would be pretty boring so i chose BI as my first choice instead of Biz related course.. n i've got my first choiceeee..
i swear if the Diploma in Chinese was to be introduced 2 yrs earlier, i would have opt for it.. =)
My results aint gd nor mediocre in Poly. Simply because i only put in 60% of work.. Now, everybody noes Lena is a damm lazy girl. in my dictionary: Aim for Pass, for a better grade will means surprise.. haa
Now thinking back in year 1, a sensitive question will normally pop out of now where: What did ya get for o level? m i right Cindy? =)
Classmates look at me with disbelief. 'you could have choose a better course' tt's wad they said to me. but i nv regret, simply because i had lots of fun, even mugging for exams seems happy.. it does not mean that BI is a lousy course rite? n migh you.. its not gonna be easy..
Moving on to the last year of study. The same question again: wad to do after tt? i supposed i would not continue with studies at the university, coz its too common.. hahaha.. wad an excuse.. i juz hate studying. but i noe im gonna miss studying years down the road.. well thinking of it, i supposed im gonna be an odd jobber first after graduation, too young too be tight down huh, exposed myself to different environment before i get started. who noes i might wanna study again? hmmmmmmm still got time to think.
see im sooo free to do colours in my entry.. haha
i'm getting bored online.. nothing to do... nothing to blog. nobody on msn.. eek.. no interesting tv programmes.. wtf.. conclusion: too long of nua-ing can be bored too..
dunno wad to blog.. can't be i telling u guys wad i eat for breakfast lunch n dinner everyday rite? haa alrite.. back blog a lil.
fri went amk celebrated QC bday.. happy burfday da ge! hiaks ate at amk food centre.. FISH BALL noodles.. ahaa.. follow by Kbox!! suggested by QC due to the fact tt theres a heavy downpour. eric bought an unbrella and we played 'fetching' marathon' hahaha alrite.. n that's the 1st time i ever hear wk my idol sing! Liang Jing Ru's Jie Shou.. hahaha.. came to realise he likes the same type of tibbits as meeeeeee wwweeeeeeee.. haha
spend abt 20 bucks in kbox. went eat chee cheong fun again at s11 after tt.. took train back n saw many nyp ppl.. aha..
i guess i can write composition in my blog whenever i'm free n there's nothing to post abt my lifestyle rite?? haha.
i noe there's nothing to be proud of.. but i got nothing to do n too much free time.. heh
 as usual. no A for Sem 2... its a cursed i dunno y.. haa anyway.. GPA 2.9 hmmmmm a step closer to 3...
work harder lena... =)
shopping spree tmr. weeeeeeeeeeeee
heh.. long time no blog.. coz dunno wad to say.. n nothing interesting to say..
holiday rocks.. can sleep late.. heh.. eat lots of junks.. like there's no tomorrow.. but at the same time is bored to death coz i'm like repeating myself everyday.. hmmm get a liveeeeeeeeee
semester results gonna be out this wed.. 6am.. *scary* Software Engineering better not haunt me wif a supp paper.. yucks..
i need a haircut badly.. n new colour.. hmmmm anyway.. time for some food again! haa
*Jolin's new album looks great.. heh..