4 more days
4 more days to term break.. haha
crm test was.. kinda sucks.. i mean.. y the phuck they giv us a passapge when all the answers r not from there n of no revelance at all.. rubbish..
had mac ngts today before the test.. wowww... curry sauceeeeeeeeee... hehe...
so sad for xiao ling.. no1 seems to be listening to her lecture. physically there.. mind was not.. =)
1 test down.. left 2 more n a presentation..
i'm counting down to term break as well as new year..
next week..
Mon - CRM test.. (nonsense pls stop wasting my time)
Tue - gotta rush IB project
Wed - *Submit resume for biz com
*Marketing test
*XML practical. (3 things. juz kill me)
Thur - Still IB project
Fri - IB presentation in formal.. ( get me a gun pls...)
bear wif week 7.. for week 8 is term break cum CNY.. ahaaaaaaa
felt better today.. but still lethargic.. guess i need rest.. hmmm lots of test cuming up next week.. >_<
received my visa mini.. aha.. alrite..
singnet was having sum problem juz now.. freak them.. _|_ i can't connect.. so went to watch tv.. discover that my scv channel 55 was terminitated coz we nv subscribe.. n we were like.. watching it for free for almost a yr.. freak starhub again.._|_ i will definately get tt channel back coz of jie da huan xi.. aha.. funny show.
on the way home today wif eileen.. met a lame surveyor.. he was like trying to approach but my eye contect n body language signal that 'dun come over' aha.. but he was like run infront of us.. n say 'stop a while'
wtf think u act police man? so the conversation goes:
surveyer: r u 2 students?
us: -nod head-
he: from where?
he: (stunt) u 2 nursing ah?
me: i was like.. !! wtf.. nyp = nursing la? if i nurse he better watch out that i draw all his blood out of him! so we juz shoke our head.
he: goes on and on asking abt our age n which yr of study n we work part time or not n trying to act funny when he's not...
lastly: he juz say study hard n dunno wad shit.. so? we r not his target grp n wad's he trying to do? _|_
>_< my attitude problem acts again..
supposed to go sch today.. but i didn't aha.. had a massive headache last nite.. my head almost exploded.. had panadol before i went to bed.. woke up this morning wif a giddy head.. n things seems to b looking blur.. vision poor.. decided to skip IB lecture.. den go for practical session later..
but i nv.. wasn't really feeling gd.. hot.. internally.. but i wasn't running a fever..
did my resume at home.. n wadever tt i could have done.. tried not to keep myself empty.. n i dun think i wanna rest n sleep.. the more i sleep.. the more my head hurts..
looking back.. i had a strong will in the past.. despite being sick i still go to sch.. but nowadays.. nah.. perherps age is catching up on me.. felt weak. though i noe i will be alrite.. but i still decide to giv myself an excuse that i'm not feeling gd enuff to attend sch.. i can't bear pain nowadays.. phuck
wad to do.. life is fragile..
* promise myself that this shall not occur often from now on.. for im left wif onli 1 yr more to study.. cherish it.. =)for sch is the only place we can choose not to listen to instructions. not to hand in work. n daydream in comfort.
/me love schooling..
lolx.. got back my xml quiz.. dammmmmm 42/50... could have score 44.. aha.. changed one of my mcq answer which was supposed to b correct.. nvm.. still got next time =)
anyway.. sch today was.. pretty gd.. except my stomach went hungry since 9.. even though i had breakfast.. still can hear my stomach making noise.. "I WAN FOOD" aha..
hav to bear all the way to 11.. my buddha.. aha. had chicken rice before i faint in sch... wanna bk tutorial rm for tt long 4 hr break but was fully bk.. hmmm went com lab.. saw xiao cute ben.. lol.. wad a nick for him.. disturb ard.. went fj again.. hmm.. n time flies.. did i mention before that nowadays day time seems to b shorter?? ho.. went home after SEP lec.. bathed.. nap awhile..
gonna go study for software engineering practices.. wad the hell.. the topic act chim act sophiscated.. but i dun understand n dun giv a damm to wad is it abt.. n practically every wk i wasn't paying attention in the lecture.. talk to eileen.. ping was sleeping.. shirley was reading comics or magazines sumtimes.. jo-san normally dun go for tt lecture.. turn ard.. the guys were sleeping.. how pathetic..
gonna go n search for my notes now..
i'm bored stiff
dyed my hair. cut my hair. wad else? heh
after nearly 6 wks of lessons.. den i realised that monday is a boring day.. 3 hrss of dead stiff CRM.. n her jokes ain't funny anyway. plus 3 hrs of break den xiao ling's lecture.my buddha. i nearly died. hope time files tmr..
friday sux to da core too.. 4 hrs of innovation projects.. my innovative r all drained up.. dammmmmmmmm
i'm not in gd mood.. dun provoke me or else i'll bite
a day at home
heh.. woke up at 12+.. sounds like i have not been sleeping for ages? well.. is true that i have not been sleeping WELL for ages.. woke up in the middle of the nite for no reasons.. seems like nowadays the nite is longer den day huh?
anyway aunt bought chicken rice. heh.. tt's for lunch.. watch tv awhile.. online.. listen to 933.. time passed till now.. ah huh..
my mind is rite there in wk 7.. whereby assignments r truckloads. n after which is term break wk 8 with CNY.. aha..
open house help out tmr.. hope its gonna be fun.. i supposed more ppl will turn up since is the sat ya?
tried sumthing new to add on to this blog.. aha.. ppl... find the link! hmmm.. shall get it nicely done up when i got time... tt's juz onli testing.. eek.. looks... geek
open house!
heheh... was abit bored.. walked ard atrium.. watching performance. had double cheese sandwich for lunch.. yong en came.. waha. so miss ya.. didn't realli meet up since graduaction from sec 4.. so i supposed last time i saw ya was when nyjc was having the.. concert or sumthing? aha.. support ur sch ah.. now ur turn to support my sch =)
i think i step on lemon.. meaning my legs r sour.. meaning suan.. aha
gonna get my hair cut on sat... eek..
XML test tmr... jia you..
yeah.. went tpy today.. collect my contact lenss.. hmmm walked ard.. ate waffles. yummy with kaya flavour.. bought a 3/4 pants from this fashion.. lolx.. black colour.. okiez.. so tt basically ends my new yr shopping... (i doubt so)
to summarise i have bought:
1) a dress from J8 at $39.90
2)shoes from trendyzone at $23.90
3)tank top from 77 street at $19.90
4)black pants from this fashion at $17
5)sum accessories from perlini silver.. think around.. $15
haha.. the list could go on and on..
lesson at 8 tmr.. monday blues
finally friday
waited for so long.. tmr is sat.......... haha.. hmmm dun asked me wad have i done this week.. kinda stm nowadays.. wad i remember was hi-lights..
1) i saw ronald susilo in sch.. wif lots of other national players n actors n actresses.. waha.. for the tsunami charity fair..
2)term break was brough forward from wk 9 to wk8.. hehe.. but tt means i lose out 2 days of PH.. no wonder they wanna change.. haa..
3)having lessons, lectures, labs.. did wad? nothing much. typing all the way.. writing all the way.. copying all the way.. listen all the way.. till it was friday..
survived another wk in sch.. haha..
cny is cuming soon.. lots of stuff needs to b done.. n.. buy.. haha
black monday
1st 8am lecture crm was cancelled.. damm it.. means that i woke up at 6+ for no reason when i can slp in 1 hr more... WENDY SIM.. ni gei wo ji zhu.. actually did hav a 6th sense tt she wun b there to giv lecture today.. dunno y.. is tt call the 'sim' effect' since we hav the same surname? lolx..
next was crm tut.. spilit into grps with sum grp 8 members.. well.. supposed we can b more lively ya?
den went to amk got wai khuen his cake.. happy birthday boi.. heh.. touched huh? wan cry dun act la.. haa. before that went mac to buy harshbrown for breakfast.. heh.. wanna hav egg muffin coz i was so hungry that my left adomen hurts.. but too bad, i'm having vegeterian food today. =) took quite awhile to juz get 1 harshbrown that i nearli faint.. god damm it..
so after celebration wanna go lab do sum printing.. but damm it again every lab got lesson.. wad's this nonsense? headed to 1 tut rm for sum rest.. but no use.. my stomach hurts lots.. for no reason. dun remember eating sumthing wrong ytd. skipped xiao ling's lecture today.. i'm so sorry.. i'll promised to do ur tutorial for tmr k?
went home to rest.. rub lots of medication oil.. cover blanket.. boommmmm sleep till 7..
gastric still hurts bit.. bloody hell..
went bugis wif mum today.. hmmm was actually planning for sum new yr shopping.. went pray at guan yin temple 1st. follow by food.. haa.rainnin cats n dogs n sum elephants.. had ba chou mee.. yummy... den bought eillen her da bei zou cd.. $13.. hmmm.. went OG walk ard.. tried on a dress... not too bad.. but den $59.90.. forget it.. haa.. lena only goes for cheap n nice stuff.. mum didn't manage to find any clothes thats to her liking.. so we left after an hr or so..
went to buy sum necessaties at bugis village. den follow by train back to bishan.
went walk awhile at j8.. bought a pair of shoes.. haa.. $23.90 at trendy zone.. red colour.. hmmm... for new yr ya.. haa
den went to ntuc for sum food to cook for dinner.. lalalala.
caught kungfu hustle ytd with eileen at bishan.. sounds tt i'm slow.. haa.. anyway.. i nearing died of laughing in the theatre.. packed old chang kee fish ball n spring roll.. cum ya kun's toast into the theatre to eat.. waaa.. heh sick of popcorn anyway..
i detest the word 'town'. pls.. go orchard say orchard.. sg is so small.juz a pathetic small unnoticecable dot on the world map that even a city in new york is larger den tt i supposed . wanna act town. den where's the rural area? town can mean anywhere rite? i've got a town council near my hse here anyway. so town means nowhere in sg.. wahaa
gotta go n figure out wad's for tmr's int biz tutorial. that lecturer dun seem to b nice to deal wif.. or rather dun seem to be easy to bully.. haha..
i missed... Mac nuggets~
short form for causeway pt.. lol.. 4 hr break.. went over there to nua actually.. had yoshinoya chicken bowl. yummy.. but as usual i can't finish it.. hmmm.. ha..
walked ard.. go in shops to c c.. try try.. nv buy anything.. think is abt time to do sum cny shopping.. wow.. hmm. shops r playing all the cny songs. act atmosphere.. haha..
so went back to sch at 3. for software engineering lecture.. bored.. chat ard.. disturb cindy.. haa...
tt's abt all.. not so loh so like jo san hahahaa.. =p
2 tutorials on tmr.. i hav a strong sense tt biz comm is gonna be fun.. learning how to write resume. hmmm software engineering PRACTICES.. dun talk abt it.. i guess Yip's gonna be the 1 taking biz comm instead of us.. haa.. he can't seem to get his msg straight to the students...
top 10 of yr 2004
hmmm below summerised briefly wad had happened or wad hav i done during the yr 2004 which caught me by surprised.. or rather had a deep impression on me~ haa
1) Having not able to memorise all of Jay's song in Qi Li Xiang
2)Being sick since June till now
3) Waking up at 6 plus am for lessons w/o much delay..
4) Scoring an A for Database
5) have that enthusiasim for Swimming since i was 9 yrs old.
6) Stay for around half a yr in the same job
7) bought a new com n had a faster connection speed
8) bought too many new clothes which led to overweight in my wardrop
9) Sang KTV till my hearts content
10) having to noe 'tt guy' n i think he kinda sux now..
tt's all.. may seems lol to u all.. but... heh... when 1 day sum1 ask me wad incident happened when i was 18 yrs old i think i have at least the abouve for memories =)
moving towards 19 yrs old.. shall act mature.. wahaa.. mai lai...