happy bday to eileen!
heh.. celebrated her bday at Mac today.. bouoght cake..hmmm.. n photos? go c Jo san or Shir's blog, shld hav upload. aha.. i'm juz to lazy for that.. or rather no time...
stayed in sch till abt 7+.. i think this few weeks i will b doin tt.. hmmm.. finished up Biz comm. (hooray!) left with that i-dunno-wad-to-do IP networking case study. gotta stayed back tmr to complete.
my ASP.net is in a mess, n i really mean MESS. except for the layout. i have all the layout i supposed to have.. n erm.. sum pro with the database shit. dunno wad to do la.. haizz try n edit n change sum nonsense from the 'stolen' project i got from the sch's com. heh
well... after tt went orchard with ping n eileen, ate at ramen ten at far east. den head for home....
hmmm... exams r cuming soon... aha.. i'm happier with doing exams den projects.. coz after tt comes the great hoL... aha
i m addited to tt stupid jig saw puzzle game at yahoo.. eek!
damm it.. was typing my entries when my com hang.. now i have to repeat the whole thing again...
many projects are due SOON... which r getting on my nerves.. argz.. n i truly believe that one muz havve a target to work towards in order to make it on time.. aha... so target for tmr: finish up BIZ COMM and BIZ ENV.. so that i'm onli left with tt freaking asp n IP to deal with.
gonna get a zip disk... too many files i have to store.. floppy wun b enuff.. and the sch's personal n drive is not reliable... aha.. it apples for 'off day' as long as the network likes it.. (hey i paid my sch fees!)
exam timetable gonna be out on the 27th.. i think.. hmmm fast fast! can't wait for the hol to cum soon.... heh.. hav loads of plans for it.. besides WORK.
went tpy library to borrow asp book for research (DUN LAUGH) borrowed a bk entitle: ASP.NET for the DUMMIEs (like moi) aha
tend to be spending too much this few days. bought few pair of earings. a pair of slippers from charles n keith. hoping to get a couple of t-shirts.. oh yeah.. this reminds me of a phrase which appears from dunno which show i watch before: there's always 1 piece of dress missing from a woman's cupboard.. aha... true..
gonna go do sum lame report.. pray hard that my com dun go haywire...
sch at 8 tmr... arhz better be in time for it.. WAKE UP!!!
i'm sleeping queen
damm it.. i juz woke up.. now is 1.08am... so i slept from 8.30 till now.. oh no... work at 11am tmr.. dun think i can get to sleep later... anyway
stayed back in sch for sum work... finished up 1 practical.. n part of biz env.. why m i doing tt when the dealine is on 8th oct??? n prototype deadline is next week... ahhhz.. hmmm anyway got chased out at 2+ coz lessons is gonna be conduct in the lab.. dun think can find any more labs which r availiable..
went J8 for sum shopping with ping n eileen... bought a polo tee! aha.. black with red collar.. hmmm at $13.. and ask eileen to choose one as her present.. hmm... she choose a PINK tee... hahaha.. den ping went Fox and bought a tee at $10 too, plus a pair of track shoes at Bata..
of coz.. next was at basement eating. ahaha... hmmm went eileen's house to collect sum curry for dinner.. wow.. her mum's a great cook. aha...
gonna go help jo-san do work.. tata...
had basic theory test today.. sum questions were quite lame.. hmmm anyway.. chances of passing not very gd.. lolx...
got ip test next week... (LAST ONE!) damm excited... exams cuming.. ahahaha...
sch was as usual.. hmmm except for missed out a lec on tue.. Ms Teo on mc.. muahaha... hmmm.. back blog a little... played badminton n a lil' of ping pong on tue.. during that long lame 3 hrs break... i bet tt was the day thruout my whole 18 yrs of life.. i had so much water to drink.. hahaa... anyway ping pong was hard to master... lolx... eric kept asking me not to exert too much force.. ahaha too used to smacking in badminton...
yesterday.. went voiceout competition.. Jo got 2nd!!! muaha.. congrats.. well.. indeed very entertaining.. every1 did very well...
got to stay back in sch tmr to finish up 2 report.. 1 practical.. hmmmm wad can i say? juz time to wake up n work hard...
Any1 miSs me?
back from all the 2pid nonsense in school.. aha.. biz comm test was lame.. writing 2 emails.. hmmm.. nonsense! anyway, can't imagine.. wad's on my mind now was actually not sch work.. aha but shopping... when there r simply so much junks piled up for me to finish (up my brain cells i supposed).. aha... i m in the holiday mood... dieeee
saw the advertisment for body shop perfume.. aha.. the bottles looks attractive... hoho.. wonder how theyy smells..
it's grandma's bday this sat.. heh.. gonna hav a gathering with my family at uncle's hse.. hmmm.. i think that is the only occasion we meet besides CNY.. since most of them live in M'sia. n i can't remember when was the last time i used my passport. it is lying safe n sound in my drawer.. waha.. heh.. woohooo.. gonna hav lots of food on sat.. i swear i need LOTS to replenish my energy used during sch time..
damm it.. sch at 9 later.. now is 1+... gonna get sum sleep before i dun wanna wake up tmr morning..
to do list
i have a very strong sense that i'm gonna b in deep trouble soon.. the below assignments r ranked according to deadlines
*database design
*Biz comm Test
*Biz Comm Assignment
*Biz Environment Assignment
*E-comm Prototype
*E-comm ASP.net
*Test test n more test... (IP networking, Database, Financial etc..)
damm it... juz kill me...
exams r round the corner... everytime during the semester i will wish that HOLIDAY cum soon.. n i mean SOON! hmmm
gonna be missing from blog again.. hope it's not gonna turn into spiderwebs when i return.. n mind u ppl... I BITE.
aha.. after days of MIA.. waha.. hmmm.. finally finished my Financial project.. xin ku le every1... heh.. today... went to watch Face with dear.. eh.. not very scary leh.. horror movie getting more n more no standard.. lolx.. okiez.. den walk around.. hmmm had Mos for lunch..haha ice milk tea.. hoorayyyy
went grandma hse at TPY after tt.. hmmm... den went Lorong 5 to eat.. wahaha.. Satay, noodles, STINGRAY.. chicken Wings.. lolx... satisfaction...
gonna go piaaa my tutorials n sum HTML stuff...
countdown to sch... 3 days.
trust me.. this is the 3rd time i'm typing my entry.. my com is giving me attitude.. ha... to my com: PLS BE GD OR I CHANGE U AWAY!
today: went sch at 12+ to do sum research on Financial.. n was hoping tt i could finish my Asp.net practicals.saw cindy n frens btw. however.. got chased out by a KP lecturer who claimed that he book the lab for makeup lesson.. RUBBISH!
saw Ping n QC n Laine at the Discussion room, doing their assignments.. went n to rot.. den accompany Ben to library, borrowed ASP.net reference..
was supposed to meet Dear up for a movie in town.. he called to say he was tired.. so nvm lor.. trip was cancelled.. had Mac nuggets n Curry sos in sch.. waahaa... bravo! xchanged a free magnet from the scratch n win thing..
lalala.. saw ronny on the way back. went to hav a game of pool with him n Ping at woodlands.. met a grp of KP n nonsense ppl.. ha. dun care anyway.. ha.. was quite by luck today.. did i mention before tt i dun aim when i play pool? haha.. only for occasions la.. Jo-san joined us shortly there..
game ended at around 6 plus.. had dinner with Jo n Ronny at Sakae. aha.. Ping went back look for fren i supposed.. hmm.. i had udon while the 2 of them had rice.. waha.. definately Jo-san luv rice.. hmmm.. n a few plates of sushi as well..
accompany Jo to buy food for her hammie.. aha LALA..
feeling lethargic.. I MUZ FINISH MY FINANCIAL PROJECT TOMORROW, BY HOOK OR BY CROOK. dragging on makes my day moody.. hmmm.
bored. TV time..