is finally term break
ah.. no sense of happiness.. got to go back sch almost everyday i supposed.. to finished up my projects... 5 projects on hand.. muaha... financial dued in a week's time.. the rest.. around 3 weeks time to complete...
had a shock of my life today.. i did charge my hp batt yesterday nite before i went to bed.. but.. still low batt n shut halfway thru biz comm.. btw.. i scored 33/50 for the ICA1. *winks* looks like the onli subject im satisfied with.. the rest.. mearly scrapped thru..
anyway.. back to my hp... n guess how hard life is w/o a phone.. nah.. i shld say with a phone that cannot b used.. lolx..
went home at around 3 plus.. after staying in the lab for around 1 hr plus.. to do the ASP nonsense.. aha
list of to do list during the break:
*E comm Prototype
*Ecomm ASP.Net
*Biz Environment research
*Biz Comm
*my 100 hrs sleep.
*watch Face, Garfield, 1 more.. forgot the title.. muaha
*Eat to replenish my energy
*learn Jay's rap (Eric! where's my lyrics bk....)
WOW.. damm it.. that ruins my hol.. half is covered by projects..
to the lecturers: i not robot.
to my supervisor: wad the hell is so important that u muz meet us at 8.30AM tmr??
to my clsmates: gonna miss crapping with all of ya..
Shirley.. is this post long enuff to keep u thru days? aha
Shir complained that reading my blog was a nuisance.. lol.. coz i dun update often... heh... IM A BUSY person.. haa.. reading abt my rubbish entry was fun? aha.. anyway wad happen in sch u oso noe rite? lolx...
anyway.. Shir n Jo skipped the nite lecture for the god noes how many times.. Shir went to watch AVP.. Jo... meet up with esther her sec sch fren.. Ben even more power.. aha.. MIA the whole day.. turn up in the evening juz to scan the card for nite attendance.. lolx..
nite lecture was as usual less ppl.. not even half the corhort.. n for the god noes how many times the lecturer was talking to himself.. muahaha.. had sum gd laugh with Eileen n Eric.. dunno over wad can't remember... tt's me.. always laugh like mad n can't remember wad was tt joke.. ha.. term break is cuming!!! ha
lastly... I'm addited to Mac's nuggets n curry sauce.. muahaha.. Junlynn if u r reading this... this habbit is not entirely inspired by ya.. aha.. but seeing the photos in ur blog today makes the temptation starts again... waha.. n i think i can break ur record of 38 nuggets... despite the bird flu...... lalala...
got to go n chiong financial tut le.. duhhhh.... DAMM LKK..
erm.. i'm retarded
well well... went sch at 8 for biz comm. go locker took my books to my horror my databse is not inside...
so.. eric took my book home by mistake. i tot tt book was his n my book was at home.. wad the... yesh.. i'm getting senile..
anyway.. was soooooo tired today... went city hall meet Darzz for movie.. AVP. waha.. quite ok la. abit grosssssssss..
damm tired that me n Shir sleep on the train.. on the floor summore.. waha..
went home after the movie.. coz dunno wad to do. no where to go. DarZ got work later.. n i'm half drained..
went home. had dinner.. den SLEEP.. nothing seems to interest me at the timing of 8-1030 everynite.. not even TV programs.. is my NAP time.. so ppl pls dun bomb my hp with missed calls and msgs.. that i would took at least hrs to reply.. wahaa
work tmr.. gotta rest soon... at least i hope
can't seem to find my database notes... wanna do tutorial. argzzzzzz where hav i left it???
damm angry n stress now.. can't think straight. can't think hard.. can't remember where i left it.. the last time i saw it was on tue.. wtf..
prays hard tt it's gonna b in the locker.. n i think i gonna copy again tmr... for the dunno how many times in this sem.. argz.. began to slack.
wad's wrong with my com!
was trying to blog when my com hanged.. argz.. LOUSY is the perfect word for it.. haa
got back most of my ICA papers. hmmm i freakingly passed! muaha.. well.. its high time to work hard to achieve gd grades.. not juz a pass... wow... i finally woke up. ha
anyway went TPY today with Eileen n Shir.. Eileen was there to tender her resignation.. pls.. dun she miss wad time go home?? waha.. walked around with Shir 1st. coz Eileen gotta sum lame briefing on GSS. had sum bread n bubble tea!! aha.. Honeydew flavoured.. heh.. missed Honeydew or Green Apple tea.. hmmm..
upcuming events-- Quiz for Ecommerence next thur
Projects - Financial, Biz Environment, Ecomm semestral Project, Ecomm prototype. argz... definately summore.. lecturers dun let me off so easily.. muaha
m trying to add sum music to my webby.. but den.. seems to be laggy with the Iwebmusic.. okiez.. pls b patientttttttt
twin defect?.
aha.. watch twin effect 2 with DarZZZ n fav Shir Jo n Eileen~. ahah.. hmmm lame show.. edison was acting ah guaaaaa........ eeeee.. aha
hmmm Jo was readin Today during Biz comm lesson n saw tt they comment this show as Twin Defect.. y huh?
did i mention tt Biz Comm was boringgggggg tt i was keeping half of my eyes closed. argz.
before i realise. term break is cuming soon! n so r all the stupid assignments which we need mths to prepare n lecturers took minutes to fail n destory our work.. aha
gotta work hard...
seen this figure everywhere.. coz is the 39th bday of S'pore.. waha.. Happy Birthday S'pore~ eheh.. work was...fine earned doubled today coz is a PH! waha.. worst still was everywhere was shut for delivery. why neh? i oso dunno dun ask. aha. hav customers making noise abt the food n all sort of rubbish. i dun care. not my fault anyway..
had a 2 hr lunch break.. took my lunch at KFC with Janice n Siew Zhi. aha.. simple luv the c'slaw n whipp potatoe. looks like Janice n i were the talkative ones who chatted non-stop while eating. Siew Zhi was juz keeping quiet eating her food. hmm... great thing was when we chatted. both Jan n I found each other familiar but can't remember where we met previously.. (of coz not mths ago at work la) hmmmm THINK THINK THINK HARD.. to no avail.. ha still dunno.
anyway.. sch tmr... duh... 12pm to 8.30pm.
Networking test on Wed.........
LOL.. look at tt pic of the mth.. makes me laugh only... ahaha... our significant 'wo bu kai xin' facee... aha.. hmmm gonna be there for at least a mth... even if u r sick there's nothing i can do abt it sorry.. heh.. coz i luv it sooo much..
hmmm work today was... argh.. boring? anyway.. gonna be bored for next few days.. coz there's only work in my life...... weeeeee xtra $ la... haa
m eating non stop for today... PLS STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.. aha...
gotta wake up early tmr.. hav to reach work place at 1030.. duh.. (kiasu?) dunno wad the management is thinking of.. hmmm..
work=no life.. sch=fun memories.
n luv= add colours to my life *winkS*
wad the....
hav no time for financial paper... can't cheak for errors.. waha.. shld b able to pass la... well.. at least a juz pass? PLSSSSSS LKK let me pass! wahaha
sch was bored... ecomm lecture was cancelled. accompanied cindy for a lame. bored. useless.. talk on Linux.. wahaha.. at least i got a free DVD.. wait... why shld i get a DVD when i dun have a DVD player.................... aha... hopeless...
anyway... last ICA for this week... biz comm on fri.. heh...