cut cut cut!
haa.. had a hair cut today... n i tot i ask the ger to juz trim abit?? y becum so short??? ehh... still can tie la.. but den now i cut my fringe like.. shorter? juz like those of a kid lor.. muahaha...
had a great laugh both today n yesterday.. hahahaha... Yesterday: went Sakae sushi with Ben.. (yeah.. m having sushi phobia now.. pls pls NO more of tt) yeah.. n tt guy actually paisey himself at tpy yesterday... hahhaha.. think of it wanna laugh.. shh... shan't talk abt it.. no comment ah.. muahaa..
today: Jo is up with her nonsense... haha.. During DCN lecture.. coz it's bored u c.. hmmm.. she wanna compete who clap louder.. n stuff... why dun c compete who burp louder?? hahaha... n lots of silly nonsense n craps which causes amusement.. haa... well well... i hope my stomach won't burst coz i laugh too much.. hahaaa...
*got a survey on smokers which needs to be done for project* any smokers wanna help??? hahaha
rain rain go away!
it has been raining for days... hmmm.. brrrrrrzzz cold... was at J8 for awhile after sch..with Shir n eileen. and 1 of Shir fren(opps i forgot his name.. paisey bad memory. old le). had OCK fishball n carrot cake.. (hohoho) eh eh... seems to hav ate alot today sia.. hmmm... laksa for lunch. sandwich with mushrooom soup during break time.. opps...
bought a pink colour contact lens case today at Mini Toon.. hee.. cute eh.. was entitled to a lucky dip n i got a blue unbrella.. lolz.. but den.. had too many of tt at home.. so gav it to shir.. n she actually purposely leave it at the arcade.. GOd.. nvm.. its free anyway..
tomorrow is wed...... *hem* haha..
bon appitite!
well well... went Jurong point today with dear.. muahaha... played at the arcade... hmmm.. majong game!!! lolx.. den had MOS milk tea(yeah!) with french fries... m so bloated after eating the fries.. proceed to Causeway Pt later on.. for dinner.. man.. can't seem to eat anymore.. when i c or smell food i feel like puking.. gosh.. perherps had too much of them during the new yr ba.. yeah..
m in luv with Jay's song duan le de xuan... find it very nice now.. strange me huh? the song like quite long le now den find it nice.. muahaha.. perherps it suits my mood now ba...
ah huh..
caught Magic kitchen today.. yes.. starring Jerry Yan.. muahaa. reminds me of sum1.. (Shir n Jo, u 2 noe la.. muahahaha) ok.. not too bad the show.. funny.. though abit lame.. learnt sumthing abt luv today ba: Being touched n luving a person is 2 different matter... hmmm.. true.. but hard to differentiate.. GOD..
haa.. shall be going out with dear tomorrow.. *muackz* hee...
Gong Xi Gong XI!
muahahaa... lalala... is the festival to eat n celebrate again!!! haha... opps.. was out to Aunt's house today, bai nian.. hohoho... collects lots of hong baoSSS.. yeah.. mum say i got a big harvest today.. yeah.. m so tired.. slept at 3 am last nite.. OMG..
shall go n get some rest now.. tata...
bad day..
didn't turn up 4 school today.. god.. woke up at 5 am by a disturbing stomach cramp... n it still hurts now...
*god pls heal me before CNY*
new yr new image!
change the look of my blog.. muahaha.. but juz could not get the tag board up.. god... argggggggg!
long day
jogged in school today with JO.. god... she's not human.. once she jog she nv stop..! lolx.. If u r reading this now jo... JOG... not marathon ok.. hahaha... ok la.. juz for leisure ba.. hmmm... nothing special happened today.. DCN lecture was bored... i think the lecturere is speaking to himself.. n half the students were absent.. yeah.. Dear went to pick me up today.. hee...
was out with gf to bugis today.. feeling abit bored n tired.. yeah.. shop around.. n i bought a pink off shoulder tee~ muahaha... ok.. though my cupboard like "overweight" le.. haa.. but den should b abit to sqeeze in another tee.. yeah.. haa.. had MOS burger for lunch... milk tea n fish burger + fries.. muhahaha.. opps.. ok.. went around trying specs.. yeah.. gf wanna make a new specs.. so we keep trying n trying.. for fun ya...
hee... went chinatown with parents after school.. yeah... had a very hearty lunch... *hic* yeah... CNY is cuming yeah!!!! Chinatown was so rowdy... hmmm.. bought quite alot of stuff, mostly food.. and a pair of sunglasses for myself =P (yesh i'm blind i need tt.. ) hohoho...
hahaha.. i'm in school now.. hmmm doing the lame e-tutorial... am so bored.. school will end at around 1pm today, hmmm.. wondering where should i b going later... hmmm.. shall blog again later...
there goes the 1st week
1st week of sch ended.. yeah!! n is the weekend again.. muahahah... hmmm.. seems to hav lots of assignment for this semester gosh!! k.. n i keep dropping hair.. my god.. why... will i turn bald?? haa.. hmmm.... m having itchy eyes.. mayb my fringe is short ba.. alrite.. haiya..
dead beat..
sch end at 11.30 today... Choo actually released us early.. OMG.. haa.. ok.. was out shopping with Jo n Gf.. hmmm.. had lunch at Mos burger.. *yummy* ice milk tea.. OooOO.. did not manage to buy anything la.. can't seem to find sumthing i like... m so tired now....
Today marks the first day of school! muahaha... was pretty fine.. except for tt bloody long queue at the photocopy store... took almost an hr juz to get the ntoes.. n NOT ALL OF THEM.. hmmm.. n tt so many ppl at the food junction... OMG.. hate the crowds... hee... Shir gf make me a card today.. so SWEETTTTTTT.. ya... thanks alot ~~ hee.. as for the content in the card.. *hem* shan't disclose!! =X
Tomorrow is the DAY!
YEah.. went tpy juz now.. bought quite alot of stuff.. not for me ya.. all new year stuff.. hmmm.. yeah.. i bought Liang Jing Ru's cd le.. that was like.. erm.. my only... stuff bought? alrite... hmmm... School's going to start tomorrow... which means...
*I muz sleep early AND wake up EARLY
*Muz get my rusty brain working again..
*muz do tutorial everyday...
*listen to lecturers chanting becums part of my life.. OMG.. haha n oso...
*Get to c my friends around!
*able to go out with my friends perherps after school
*got sumthing to do rather den rotting at home..
conclusion: should i b happy or glum abt it??? hmmm...
Woke up at almost 2 today. OMG.. was so freaking hungry when i woke up.. went to J8 n bought food for lunch.. Yummy...
and i can't seem to find tt Liang Jing Ru's cd in the cd store.. hmmm... strange... maybe i pa jiao again.. haha.. well shall get it the next time..
School is going to start in ONE more day.. i repeat.. ONE more day... OMG!!!! HELP!!!!
Caught Anna in Kungfu land today at PS... Friday damm lots of people watch movie sia... hmmm.. yeah, the show was pretty ok.. except for sum lame scenes.. ya..
was having a bad headache yesterday... feels like dying.. OMG. n today... stomach cramp.. aRRRR.. get away from me!! shoo~ It ain't feel good to be sick ya... haizz
Sore eye
m having a bloodshot eyes now.. dunno y.. itchy.. arghhhhhh!!
was at home the whole day, watching tvee n listening to radio.. wad u think?? hmmm countdown to sch 4 days.... muahaha. kinda miss sch now.. dunno y.. OMG